July 6, 2020

Why? Who would ever do such a thing. Currently going on 17 weeks in quarantine/stay at home orders. Oh my, how is it July! First, what is 75Hard? Well, I understand It is a mind/body challenge. More about mental toughness, then fitness. I found out about this via social media, Tik Tok to be exact. It has very lose parameters,…

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Nursery Room Essentials

July 24, 2018

I don’t know about you, but between Pinterest and Instagram, you probably have driven yourself crazy drooling over the perfect nursery only to somewhat disappointed yourself when 1. You just don’t have a creative bone in your body, 2. You don’t have the time and 3. You don’t have the $$$$ to buy all the fancy stuff.     Well,…

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Simplify Your MakeUp Bag

June 17, 2018

I don’t know about you, but as I have gotten older and now have a young child, I don’t spend as much time on my makeup as I used to.  I have “naturally” developed my standard, go-to, day to day makeup over time to just a couple simple steps. When I went traveling recently, I “downsized” my makeup bag to…

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Top 5 Breastfeeding Tips

April 3, 2018

And this was the first blog post I decided to jump back in with 🙂  Well, here it goes!   So, let’s talk breastfeeding.  Doesn’t everyone want to chat about it?  I’m sure it is not the first thing people want to talk about, but if you are pregnant or a new mom, it probably is right up there as…

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I’m Back……..Again

March 19, 2018

After another 2 years have gone by, I might actually really do this!  No, seriously 🙂 A lot has transpired in 2 years – I had a baby and switched careers all within the last 1 ½ years.  If having a new baby (first time mom) wasn’t hard enough, try making a career change to a new industry and figure…

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I’m BACK!!

March 16, 2016

I’ve decided to start up the good ole blog again!!  I did a little rebranding – nothing fancy, but I changed the name to reflect more of who and what I am about today – Life (loving life), Fitness & Wellness (sharing my story and helping others on their path).   I updated the “about me“, so check it out.…

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Current Obsession

February 21, 2012

Heard this in the background of the Good Wife – such a hot show.  Love the steamy interaction between Will and Alicia, but seriously, love this song! Great rendition of a “classic” – Whitesnake! hehe 😉  This is not an actual video, but just the song.  Enjoy! xoxo, Dominica

The Food Matters Project: Roasted Red Pepper and Walnut “Pesto”

February 20, 2012

Week 3 of the Food Matters Project!!  Today it is Roasted Red Pepper and Walnut “Pesto” brought to you by Heather.  I love traditional pesto made with basil, pine nuts and parmesan cheese, but I also love to mix it up.  This recipe does just that.  Using Roasted Red Peppers and Walnuts.  I switched it up even more from the…

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