Snack Time

I’ve read, been told and now know that it is very important to fuel your body before a workout.  You need to give your body energy.  Combo of protein and carbs is best – one is long lasting, the other fast burning. One of my favorites is super simple. Nuts and fruit.  I buy my nuts in the bulk bins at Jimbos (preferably organic).  The bulk bins are cheaper then the pre-package kind.  I roast the nuts in the oven til golden brown.  It really brings out their richer flavor.  350 degrees for 20 minutes – check to make sure they don’t burn.  I prefer to eat at least 1 hour before a workout.  You need to have time to digest it a bit and not be too full. 


Roasty, Toasty Nuts


I like either a small apple or pear with my nuts


Laugh all you want when saying and reading “nuts” 😉

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