Re-Energized: Part III

Part III?  Really, what the heck else can I be reenergizing?  Well, if I am back working on my blog and running, it is only fitting that I work on my eating habits as well.  Those have been lacking as of lately and it’s time to kick it in the butt! 

I’m a firm believer in food is fuel for our bodies and we are what we eat.  Now, I am human, not perfect and I have my vices/slip-ups.  I practice what I preach 99% of the time.  That 1% is when the slip-ups or indulgences come in. 

Since food is fuel, I believe in putting the right fuel in for maximum output, or the best food for our bodies.  Since everyone is different, this is going to vary.  Not one diet or eating plan out there is right for everyone.  I have tested them all!  Trust me.  One that I stumbled upon when I was working with my trainer was Metabolic Nutrition.  It is a guideline of foods that best work with your metabolic type.  You get tested for it: urine, blood sugar, heart rate, how you feel, etc for a 4 hour period.   I am not an expert in this.  What I write here is from my own research and talking to certified professionals (look up metabolic nutrition on the internet).  So, there are two basic types – Fast and Slow Oxidizers (if you want to get super detailed, it can be broken down more).  One oxidizes food faster then the other.   From there you can see what foods will works best with your body, then tailor it to your specific needs.  Listen to your body.  There are foods that are on my “list”, but that are still not optimal.  That’s why it’s a guideline. 

When I was initially tested and started the program, I didn’t exactly follow it 100%.  It was hard for me to let go of certain foods and cravings.  Once I finally did, I got into the best shape of my life (of course maintaining my exercise routine).  I also believe that you can exercise all you want, but if you don’t get your nutrition in order, you are wasting a lot of effort, especially if weight loss or fitness is your goal. 

So, back to what I call by B.S.E (Best Shape Ever).  I know what I need to do to get back there, but again, easier said then done.  I’ve attempted a few times, but once again, faltered.  Part of reenergizing it is making it public.  For some reason (and I know there are studies out there), putting it out there and telling people, helps you hold yourself accountable. 

Of course I might be crazy trying this going into the holiday season (there is still left over Halloween candy around), but I look at it as an even greater challenge and then accomplishment when I reach my goal.  So, what is the goal?  Some magical B.S.E measurement?  Yes, there are measurements and weight involved, but nothing works better then those pair of skinny jeans I can’t fit into any more.  Ladies, you know what I’m talking about.  Never thought I would be one those that has “skinny” jeans, but yes, unfortunately as we age and lifestyle changes, so does our body. 

I’m not talking anything major, but a few inches and a couple of pounds.  Sounds easy right?  Well, if it was, then there wouldn’t be people out there making millions on weight loss, diets, exercise videos, etc.  We all have something we want to improve, no matter how minor.  

The weight is really only a side effect to how eating right makes me feel.  I just feel way better!  I have more energy, my skin and hair look better, etc.  That’s what I’m looking for.  Not sluggish or breaking out, plus the fact that I had nice abs doesn’t hurt either 😉

I’m not going to turn this into a diet journal, just know that from today on, I will be adhering to my metabolic nutrition. For me that is: (please note this is extremely paired down and modified for my personal tastes).

  1. No refined flour – whether it is whole wheat or not.  Sprouted grains only.
  2. No sugar or caffeine. 
  3. Eat within 1 hour of waking.
  4. Eat within 1 hour of working out.
  5. Always, always have protein in every meal or snack.  Higher, healthy fats.
  6. Eat every 3.5 hours
  7. Minimize alcohol – none would be ideal (just added sugar and calories)
  8. Follow the food list guidelines
  9. Dairy, only raw – I pretty much don’t eat dairy anymore anyway.

Sounds a little restricted, but trust me, there are a ton of foods that I love that all fit into this program.  All foods are organic, grass fed, free range, etc.  Nothing processed, out of a box or can.  I will check in and be honest with how I am doing.  Personal integrity as I like to call it. 

Goal: December 2nd – a few pounds lighter and fitting into my skinny jeans!  I will be killing it at my companies Christmas partay!  #ForYourHealth

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