Have Fun and Help Others!

My birthday is coming up in about 2 weeks.  Normally I would have some sort of celebration.  Whether it be just dinner with close friends or a huge blow out like last year (my big 3-0).   This being only 31….wow can I just pause and say it again, 31….where does the time ago?  Feels like I was just 27 yesterday.  Anyway, I am usually all about birthdays, whether they are my own or others.  I like the celebration.  I think it is because my mom always made a big deal about birthdays – parties, gifts, etc., she made it such a special occasion (as it should be).   Since I had a great big party last year for my 30th, I thought I would keep it more low key this year.  I had no idea what “low key” thing I wanted to do until I was reading the San Diego Magazine a few weeks ago.  I came across an ad for the Susan G. Koman 5K Race for the Cure.   It struck me because the race is on my actual birthday, November 6th.  It also struck me because I have been doing quite a bit of running lately and have run a few 5K’s (it’s only 3.1 miles, so I’m not killing myself or anything).  As I am a little obsessed with fitness right now, my brilliant idea for my birthday is to get my friends to join me in running the 5K Race for the Cure.  It accomplishes a few good things:


1.  Raising money for Breast Cancer (the money stays here in San Diego too)

2.  Doing something good for yourself by exercising

3.  Having my friends be with me on my b-day!


If you are interested in doing something good for your community and yourself (by running or walking), I encourage you to either donate or sign-up.  Here is the link to the Race for the Cure website. 


Don’t forget to wear pink!



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