Junk in the Trunk

Literally…..there is a ton of Junk in the Trunk, junk food that is.  And no it’s not for me!!  In fact, I wish it wasn’t there at all.  

About once a month I have to make a Costco run for my coworkers.  Around 3-4:30pm they go savaging for something to snack on and when the cupboard is bare, watch out!  They tend to get a little cranky when were out.  My coworkers consist of all males ranging from 26-46 yrs. old, so I think that junk food is in their blood.  I on the other hand, try to eat healthy, but with this staring at you everyday it’s hard.  It’s in our kitchen, out in the conference room for meetings or in someone’s office for a mid-afternoon snack, it’s hard to resist.  I’m not gonna lie, I eat it.  That’s one problem I do have, since it’s there staring me in the face, I usually partake in it. This is why I don’t buy junk for myself to have at home.  I know better, but for some reason, the temptation at work gets the best of me.  Hence now, there is junk in MY trunk, literally (and not in a good way like the Sir Mix-a-Lot raps about in Baby Got Back).

How do you resist the junk food?


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