Mustard Dill Salmon

Have I ever mentioned how I used to hate Salmon and how I also never even liked fish!  I couldn’t image not having it now.  When I had fish previously, I don’t think I was having the freshest fish as it smelled and tasted fishy.  Now living in San Diego, I feel you can get the freshest, tastiest fish around.  Don’t just go to the grocery store, go to the fishmongers – way better.  My salmon taco recipe is where I explain more about picking good, fresh fish.

As I am always trying to eat healthy, salmon is one of the obvious choices.  I try to have fun with it and create new recipes so it not just the same old baked, grilled, broiled salmon.  Here’s my latest goody.

Mustard Dill Salmon

½ cup Greek Yogurt
¼ small red onion, minced
3 tbsp minced dill
3 tbsp minced parsley
1 tbsp whole grain mustard
2 tbsp Dijon Mustard
3 dashes white wine vinegar
Salt & Pepper to taste
¾ lb Salmon

Preheat oven to 425 degrees.  

Mixed all ingredients together in a bowl (except Salmon).  Place salmon into a prepared baking dish.  Coat salmon with yogurt sauce.  Bake 15-20 minutes (depends on how thick your piece of fish is, may take more or less).  

The recipe was inspired by one Ina did with mustard and a white fish found here.  I tweaked it of course to what I had on hand and what I thought would go together. Dill goes amazingly with salmon (reminds me of the Julia Roberts movie where she tries to poison her husband with poached salmon & dill sauce – no my recipe is not poisoning, but that’s how my thought process works – random movie or song references). I also love mustard and had greek yogurt on hand (Ina’s used crème fraiche).  I substituted red onion for shallots and didn’t use capers.  The white wine vinegar was to thin the yogurt and give it more of a tang.

This recipe is so quick and easy.  And it also taste amazing to boot!  I served mine with roasted cauliflower.  Enjoy!


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