3rd Annual St. Patty’s Day Party

I hosted my “3rd Annual St. Patty’s Day Party” this past Thursday.  It would have been my “4th”, but I skipped last year (2010 was not my year).  My friends and I like to split up the holidays and host parties.  I usually have St. Patty’s Day, 4th of July (not as frequent) and a Girl’s Only Christmas Ornament Exchange Party with the others filling in with Thanksgiving, Christmas, Cinco de Mayo, the occasional Memorial Day and New Years.

I love the planning, decorating, shopping, cooking, mingling – everything, except the clean-up after of course, but it’s well worth it.  

This years party was another success!  Everyone had a fabulous time.  Thank you to all my wonderful friends for joining me!


Corned Beef, duh, of course.  I bought pre-brined corned beef.  I once bought the brisket and brined it myself, but that really just takes too much effort – especially since I had to make three to serve a crowd.   I cooked the corned beef in the slow cooker with red potatoes, carrots, onions, peppercorns, cloves, bay leafs, Guinness Beer and Beef Broth.  I turned it on in the morning before I left for work and it was done when I got home!  Super easy.  I just cut it up, placed it in serving dishes and in the oven to keep warm till my guests arrived.  I also made a Red Potato & Cabbage Colcannon, Guinness Mustard, Horseradish Cream Sauce, Irish Soda Bread with Chive Garlic Butter,  Guinness Cupcakes with Baileys Ganache (inside) and Baileys Buttercream Frosting (frosting was way too sweet, will need to try a different recipe for next year) and Breath Mint Pie (I made the crust from scratch).  Basically, if it was “Irish” or “Green” I made it.  I also have my little green gnome handy for making green cocktails and green beer.  

Theme parties are fun.  You must make the most of it, so don’t forget the decorations.  I don’t go too crazy, but I like giving my guest a parting gift.  Remember when you were a kid and you always got a goodie bag to take home with you?  Well, I like to do this as well, but for adults of course.


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