Re-Energized: Part III

October 31, 2011

Part III?  Really, what the heck else can I be reenergizing?  Well, if I am back working on my blog and running, it is only fitting that I work on my eating habits as well.  Those have been lacking as of lately and it’s time to kick it in the butt!  I’m a firm believer in food is fuel for…

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Re-Energized – La Partie Deux (Part Two)

October 27, 2011

Not only have I reenergized my Blog, but I’m also reenergizing another goal in my life – Running.  I have been running fairly consistently for the past 3 years.  Always just for exercise and fitness.  Last year I tried a “reenergizing” plan for running and signed up for a half marathon.  Needless to say, that plan didn’t work and I…

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Wisdom Wednesday

October 26, 2011

“Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else.” – Judy Garland


October 25, 2011

With Apple’s upgrade to iCloud and the death of their MobileMe service, I had to find a new hosting site for my blog.  I had previously used iWeb to make my blog/website and hosted it on MobileMe.  Even though I thought iWeb was actually very cumbersome and not all that user friendly, I used it because it was free and…

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Have Fun and Help Others!

October 24, 2011

My birthday is coming up in about 2 weeks.  Normally I would have some sort of celebration.  Whether it be just dinner with close friends or a huge blow out like last year (my big 3-0).   This being only 31….wow can I just pause and say it again, 31….where does the time ago?  Feels like I was just 27 yesterday. …

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