Re-Energized – La Partie Deux (Part Two)

Not only have I reenergized my Blog, but I’m also reenergizing another goal in my life – Running.  I have been running fairly consistently for the past 3 years.  Always just for exercise and fitness.  Last year I tried a “reenergizing” plan for running and signed up for a half marathon.  Needless to say, that plan didn’t work and I did not complete the race.  I didn’t even make it past two weeks of training.  Looking back, I now realize what went wrong.  I have learned from my mistakes and hang-ups and I am now attempting it again. 

It basically comes down to setting yourself up for success.  From what I have learned from the past, for me it is detailed planning, scheduling and holding myself accountable.  Sounds easy right?  Well, how well you accomplish these things still depends on you and how you execute them to best fit your needs. 

Detailed Planning: Last year my plan for training was just a 12 week running program printed off of the internet.  Still sounds easy right, just follow the program.  What I didn’t plan for were my actual routes to fit the mileage of the program.  I just started running around my neighborhood not really knowing how far I was going.  When I felt tired, I would stop and walk.  That of course led me to be discouraged. 

This year I am doing another program that has the routes already mapped out. 

Scheduling: I some how thought I could just “fit it in” last year.  Even though the program had it laid out by the days of the week, I didn’t exactly follow it.  My bad.

This year, my runs are clearly marked and scheduled on my calendar and I am not switching for anything.  Well, almost.  Super special occasions such as someone’s Birthday, yes, but other then that, no.  This is my priority.  Not even for my neighbor that keeps asking me out…..well, that’s another story all together.

Accountability:  As noted under scheduling, I would rearrange my runs to fit in with my other work/social items.  This led to missed runs, which made me feel behind and discouraged. 

How do you hold yourself accountable? This is different for everyone, but for me scheduling is key. Also, the program I am doing this year is through a running club.  By joining the running club, they have set days and times to meet and I will be running with others.  It’s also about the money – dolla, dolla bills, ya’ll!  Yes, I paid to join this training group, so if I don’t show up or blow it off, I am loosing out on my money, which I am highly attached too.   It’s a motivating factor, if you will.

I also plan on blogging about my training.  This will also help hold me accountable. 


Along with completing my first half marathon, I’ve set the lofty goal of completing three in one year!  Am I crazy?  Yeah, probably, but hey, you’ve got to am high – reach for the stars.  Don’t settle for mediocre.  That was me last year…..I settled, but I refuse to do that again.   


It also doesn’t hurt to have a little visual motivation either…..


How can I get her abs!  If running will do that for me, I’m all in!  j/k, I don’t really think that, but it still is a little extra boost. 

So, I have been keeping up with my weekly running, but official, official training with the club starts November 1st.  Wish me luck!


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