Training Day ? – Group Run #4

It’s only the end of week two and I’ve lost count on the training days….only 10 more weeks left!  Today it was pouring rain and the training run went on.  Marathons don’t stop for the rain, so why should we?  It was definitely a lower turn out, but I am soooo glad I went.  I could have chickened (pussed) out, but if I did it now, I would be likely to do it later.  Need to stay dedicated! We were supposed to have a Potluck as well, but due to the rain, it was cancelled.  I of course had already made some delicious Pumpkin Nutella Strusel Muffins.  I brought them anyway and the folks that were there did enjoy them.  I’m totally bummed because I forgot to take pictures of them before they were all gone.  Here’s a pic prior to baking:



Now to the training. Feeling better mentally after week 2 then I did after week 1.  Being somewhat of an over achiever, type A personality, I wanted to go out there and kill it.  News flash:  I’m not the fastest, most powerful runner out there.  I was trying to keep up with the fast “kids” and I was beat.  I was feeling a little discouraged because I wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to keep that up for another 10 weeks.  It felt very daunting.  Then after Tuesday’s run, Coach Blake was giving a little rundown on reminders and he said something that I needed to hear.  “This isn’t a race”.  Training for a race isn’t a race it self.  It is about getting your body used to running for long periods of time.  He’s seen it before.  People go out the first couple of weeks and run their hardest because they want to have a kick-ass run (um, yeah, that’s what I was thinking).  But then they get burned out.  I was on my way to doing that.  So, today, I slowed down, let people pass me and I ran the full 7 miles. I actually felt like could have ran more.  It was the reassurance I needed to know that I can actually do this.  Here’s to week 3!


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1 thought on “Training Day ? – Group Run #4

  1. Oh my gosh, are you in the VAVI training group?! I am too!! Not gonna lie, I totally pussed out yesterday and went running at the gym instead. Why is running on a treadmill soooo much harder?!

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