Girl on a Budget

For a lot of people it’s easy to get caught up in the world of plastic.  Credit Cards that is.  Instant gratification, but you’ve got to pay for it later.  While I never live beyond my means and always pay by Credit Cards off (CC for short), some months I go beyond my set budget which means I put less away into savings.  I’ve been doing it quite a bit lately.  And I don’t really have all that much to show for it.  Meaningless things (maybe a deeper meaning there).  Mainly online purchases.  It is so easy to just push a button.  I had boxes from Amazon, Zappos, Nordstroms, etc. showing up at my house practically every other day.  I would inevitably feel guilty and return some (but not all).  My savings wasn’t feeling the love it normally does. 

It all kind of started when I bought my new car (more on the new car later).  For some reason I felt that since I bought this new car, I had all this money and needed to keep up with the Jones’ (what Jones’?, I don’t know any Jones’).  Reminded me of this funny cellphone commercial – “I think I drive the same car as a Hip Hop Mogual because I’m feeling richer effect”.  I had the “feeling richer effect”.  All my CC’s are paid off and I have returned most of the items (I did keep and wear a few things).  And now I am on a strict CASH only purchase budget.  I had always had a monthly budget for food, rent, bills, incidentals and enough left over for investments and savings.  Being on a budget and putting money away was the reason I was able to afford the car in the first place. 

To know where your money is spent, you need to track it.  There are a lot of programs out there to track your purchases, but I’m kinda old school and just use Excel.  Simple spreadsheet with columns for different categories.  I enter in all my purchases and expenses.  Now, I’m all CASH.  As soon as I am paid, I transfer the designated amount into my savings and pull out Cash for groceries & incidentals.  Bills are paid online.  I used to be really good about not over-spending, but needed to take drastic measures to build my savings back up. 

CC’s can be dangerous and I know a lot of Americans have thousands of dollars outstanding on CC’s.  I am so fortunate for that not to be the case for me.  Need to take charge and make sure that never happens (knock on wood).   

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