Week 3 Down and Acupuncture?!

Saturday was the end of week 3 of training.  I feel a little behind because I took Week 3 off! – Except for Saturday.  I had some really bad back pain.  Hurt so bad I wanted to cry.  There was no way I was going to run.  I have had it before and it usually will subside and get better.  This was not getting any better.  I’ve seen doctors, chiropractors, massage therapist, etc. to no avail.  A coworker recommended an acupuncturist.  I have never tried acupuncture before, so I thought, why not?  Couldn’t hurt, right?  So I gave it a shot. 

I have to say that the at first I was skeptical.  I didn’t feel immediate relief like I thought I would.  If anything the needles were making my back pulsate even more.  I felt slightly better after it was all done, but I thought that may have just been due to the tiny massage I got with it.  It wasn’t till this morning that I felt 90% better. 90%, not quite 100%.  My back muscles are so tight it will take another treatment or two to work them out.  But, I was just so excited that I felt so much better.  It worked!  So I was able to get my training run in on Saturday.  I didn’t go all out because I didn’t want to chance triggering it again.  6.5 Miles and I was able to maintain a 9:30 pace.  Looking forward to keeping this up!  It will be challenging around the holidays, but I’m up for the challenge 😉

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