Fresh Start!

November 11, 2011

Happy 11.11.11!  Today is one of those dates where the numbers all align.  I’m not sure what the statistics are, but it doesn’t come around that often.  The number 1 symbolizes the beginning of things.  The start, a fresh start.  The number 11 is also significant.  It is thought of as a “master” number in numerology because it is a…

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To Sparkle or Not to Sparkle?

November 11, 2011

To Sparkle or Not to Sparkle? That is the question.  Always around this time of year I start thinking about my companies Christmas party.  My company always throws a great party at great venues around San Diego.  Last year it was at the Double Deuce – sounds a little cheezy, but seeing my coworkers ride the mechanical bull was hilarious! …

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Wisdom Wednesday

November 9, 2011

“There are no mistakes. The events we bring upon ourselves, no matter how unpleasant, are necessary in order to learn what we need to learn; whatever steps we take, they’re necessary to reach the places we’ve chosen to go.” – Richard Bach

Training Day 5 – Group Run #2

November 5, 2011

Today was our 2nd group run and the end of Week 1.  Easy 5 miles…..well they say it should be an easy 5 miles, meaning don’t push yourself and go easy.  Me not really knowing my pace, went out a little too fast I think and definitely slowed down towards the end.  Also this being Training Day #5, I’m a…

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Wisdom Wednesday

November 2, 2011

“When you’re Happy for No Reason, you bring happiness to your outer experiences rather than trying to extract happiness from them. You don’t need to manipulate the world around you to try to make yourself happy. You live from happiness, rather than for happiness.”– Marci Shimoff

Half Marathon Training Day 1

November 2, 2011

Tonight was our first group run for the half marathon training program. Being the type A personality that I am, I arrived a little early. It was supposed to start at 6pm, however with such a large group, getting everyone gathered took a bit. We didn’t “start” till around 6:10p, mind you, I got there early, so I was waiting…

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