When/How to break-up with your hairdresser?

Okay, so I need your help (that means you – all my fabulous readers out there!) – When our How do you move on from our hairdresser.  I am a very loyal person and hate difficult situations.  Which means I usually stay in relationships way to long, don’t say exactly how I feel because I don’t want to hurt the other persons feelings.  It being either a romantic relationship or professional/personal.  I have been with the same hairdresser since I moved down to San Diego.  Going on 8 years now.  While she isn’t bad by any means, I just didn’t realize what else was out there till I had to see someone else.  I had to schedule with someone else because my regular girl couldn’t make my appointment last minute.  I love my hair now!  She gave me a cut I always hoped my other girl could give me.  Now I am at a crossroads where I think I need to break-up with my hairdresser.  How do I do it?  It’s especially awkward since the other girl I saw is at the same salon.  Thoughts?  Suggestions? Please leave a comment! (again, you, my thousands of readers!)


