The Food Matters Project

January 25, 2012

I am so exciting to be doing this!  The Food Matters Project is a food blogging project based on The Food Matters Cook Book by Mark Bittman.  The project is being organized by Sarah from 20somethingcupcakes.  If you aren’t familiar with or don’t know who Mark Bittman is, he is pretty big in the food world – especially when it…

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Shit Yogis Say

January 19, 2012

This is too funny.  I find it particularly fitting as I have started taking yoga recently.  I am on week 3 of yoga.  I love it!  Calms me, centers me, challenges my core & arms, etc.  I’ve been taking classes at the La Jolla Yoga Center.  Great place.  My first “beginner” class was with Linda.  She was awesome!  Explained all…

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Monthly Jewelry Delivery

January 13, 2012

Okay, so there’s wine of the month, cheese of the month, fruit of the month… about jewelry of the month club?  Say what?!?!  That’s right, sign up and get a new pair of earrings in your mailbox once a month.  It is such a nice surprise!  I love it because I am supporting a local entrepreneur.  I was one Twitter…

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Week in Review

January 11, 2012

  So I am back to work after having time off to “renew and relax” after the new year.  It was AWESOME!  Fabulous!  I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed it.  I relaxed a bit, was productive around the house/errands, did some personal and professional development – basically recharged, both mentally and physically.   As predicted, I had a laundry…

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Quick and Easy Weeknight Dinner

January 6, 2012

I will be honest, I forgot where I saw this at, but it was either a magazine that I read while getting my nails done or somewhere on the web.  Wish I could remember to give credit, but I’m sure they were not the first one to think about it. Mushroom w/Pesto and Tomatoes Portobello mushroom cap Pesto (I made…

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