Monthly Jewelry Delivery

January 13, 2012

Okay, so there’s wine of the month, cheese of the month, fruit of the month… about jewelry of the month club?  Say what?!?!  That’s right, sign up and get a new pair of earrings in your mailbox once a month.  It is such a nice surprise!  I love it because I am supporting a local entrepreneur.  I was one Twitter…

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New Specs

December 27, 2011

I am a marketers dream…..I admit it, I fall for the fancy ads and good deals.  As the year is coming to a close, I realized I hadn’t been to the eye doctor in a few years.  Being the penny pincher that I am, I wanted to make sure I was using all my health care benefits.  The eye doctor…

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To Sparkle or Not to Sparkle?

November 11, 2011

To Sparkle or Not to Sparkle? That is the question.  Always around this time of year I start thinking about my companies Christmas party.  My company always throws a great party at great venues around San Diego.  Last year it was at the Double Deuce – sounds a little cheezy, but seeing my coworkers ride the mechanical bull was hilarious! …

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