July 6, 2020

Why? Who would ever do such a thing. Currently going on 17 weeks in quarantine/stay at home orders. Oh my, how is it July! First, what is 75Hard? Well, I understand It is a mind/body challenge. More about mental toughness, then fitness. I found out about this via social media, Tik Tok to be exact. It has very lose parameters,…

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Shit Yogis Say

January 19, 2012

This is too funny.  I find it particularly fitting as I have started taking yoga recently.  I am on week 3 of yoga.  I love it!  Calms me, centers me, challenges my core & arms, etc.  I’ve been taking classes at the La Jolla Yoga Center.  Great place.  My first “beginner” class was with Linda.  She was awesome!  Explained all…

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A Huge Weight

December 6, 2011

Is lifted…..I have agonized and stressed out about this decision for a few weeks now.  Always powering through it to get it done, but finally I decided to just do what made me happy and cut out the stress and crap.  Of course, it was myself who was causing all the stress.  What’s the big decision you ask…….I’ve decided not…

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Time to Play Catch Up

November 30, 2011

Wow!  Has it been over a week since my last post?  Work, holiday, running….been a bit busy.  I hope everyone had a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving!  I headed up to my sisters (every year!).  I was busy helping them in their tasting room (they own their own winery in Paso Robles) on Thanksgiving and then on “Black Friday”.  We kept…

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Week 3 Down and Acupuncture?!

November 20, 2011

Saturday was the end of week 3 of training.  I feel a little behind because I took Week 3 off! – Except for Saturday.  I had some really bad back pain.  Hurt so bad I wanted to cry.  There was no way I was going to run.  I have had it before and it usually will subside and get better. …

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Snack Time

November 18, 2011

I’ve read, been told and now know that it is very important to fuel your body before a workout.  You need to give your body energy.  Combo of protein and carbs is best – one is long lasting, the other fast burning. One of my favorites is super simple. Nuts and fruit.  I buy my nuts in the bulk bins…

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Training Day 5 – Group Run #2

November 5, 2011

Today was our 2nd group run and the end of Week 1.  Easy 5 miles…..well they say it should be an easy 5 miles, meaning don’t push yourself and go easy.  Me not really knowing my pace, went out a little too fast I think and definitely slowed down towards the end.  Also this being Training Day #5, I’m a…

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Half Marathon Training Day 1

November 2, 2011

Tonight was our first group run for the half marathon training program. Being the type A personality that I am, I arrived a little early. It was supposed to start at 6pm, however with such a large group, getting everyone gathered took a bit. We didn’t “start” till around 6:10p, mind you, I got there early, so I was waiting…

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Re-Energized: Part III

October 31, 2011

Part III?  Really, what the heck else can I be reenergizing?  Well, if I am back working on my blog and running, it is only fitting that I work on my eating habits as well.  Those have been lacking as of lately and it’s time to kick it in the butt!  I’m a firm believer in food is fuel for…

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Re-Energized – La Partie Deux (Part Two)

October 27, 2011

Not only have I reenergized my Blog, but I’m also reenergizing another goal in my life – Running.  I have been running fairly consistently for the past 3 years.  Always just for exercise and fitness.  Last year I tried a “reenergizing” plan for running and signed up for a half marathon.  Needless to say, that plan didn’t work and I…

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