The Food Matters Project

January 25, 2012

I am so exciting to be doing this!  The Food Matters Project is a food blogging project based on The Food Matters Cook Book by Mark Bittman.  The project is being organized by Sarah from 20somethingcupcakes.  If you aren’t familiar with or don’t know who Mark Bittman is, he is pretty big in the food world – especially when it…

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Week in Review

January 11, 2012

  So I am back to work after having time off to “renew and relax” after the new year.  It was AWESOME!  Fabulous!  I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed it.  I relaxed a bit, was productive around the house/errands, did some personal and professional development – basically recharged, both mentally and physically.   As predicted, I had a laundry…

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Snack Time

November 18, 2011

I’ve read, been told and now know that it is very important to fuel your body before a workout.  You need to give your body energy.  Combo of protein and carbs is best – one is long lasting, the other fast burning. One of my favorites is super simple. Nuts and fruit.  I buy my nuts in the bulk bins…

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Re-Energized: Part III

October 31, 2011

Part III?  Really, what the heck else can I be reenergizing?  Well, if I am back working on my blog and running, it is only fitting that I work on my eating habits as well.  Those have been lacking as of lately and it’s time to kick it in the butt!  I’m a firm believer in food is fuel for…

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