Current Obsession

February 21, 2012

Heard this in the background of the Good Wife – such a hot show.  Love the steamy interaction between Will and Alicia, but seriously, love this song! Great rendition of a “classic” – Whitesnake! hehe 😉  This is not an actual video, but just the song.  Enjoy! xoxo, Dominica

When/How to break-up with your hairdresser?

February 8, 2012

Okay, so I need your help (that means you – all my fabulous readers out there!) – When our How do you move on from our hairdresser.  I am a very loyal person and hate difficult situations.  Which means I usually stay in relationships way to long, don’t say exactly how I feel because I don’t want to hurt the…

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Shit Yogis Say

January 19, 2012

This is too funny.  I find it particularly fitting as I have started taking yoga recently.  I am on week 3 of yoga.  I love it!  Calms me, centers me, challenges my core & arms, etc.  I’ve been taking classes at the La Jolla Yoga Center.  Great place.  My first “beginner” class was with Linda.  She was awesome!  Explained all…

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Week in Review

January 11, 2012

  So I am back to work after having time off to “renew and relax” after the new year.  It was AWESOME!  Fabulous!  I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed it.  I relaxed a bit, was productive around the house/errands, did some personal and professional development – basically recharged, both mentally and physically.   As predicted, I had a laundry…

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Resolution – No Resolution?

December 28, 2011

Resolutions or No Resolutions? That is the question.  I am sure at least 90% of the people out there are thinking about the close of 2011 and the beginning of 2012.  I know I sure am.  And of those 90% (I totally just made that percentage up) how many are making new “plans” for the new year?  Are they making…

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New Specs

December 27, 2011

I am a marketers dream…..I admit it, I fall for the fancy ads and good deals.  As the year is coming to a close, I realized I hadn’t been to the eye doctor in a few years.  Being the penny pincher that I am, I wanted to make sure I was using all my health care benefits.  The eye doctor…

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My Winter Rock Anthem

December 8, 2011

I’m in love…..with this song.  As soon as I heard it, I had to blast it in my new Bang & Olufsen Stereo (quite good).  I heard it on the drive back from Thanksgiving. I had about a 5 hour drive, so I heard it a few times.  Hasn’t gotten old yet 😉  I predict this to be the New…

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Wisdom Wednesday

November 16, 2011

“Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.”   – Buddha

B-Day Game Day!

November 16, 2011

I had a low key, but great Birthday this year.  Last year was a blow-out for my 30th, so for 31, I kept it more mellow.  Dinner at Burlap on Saturday night with close friends and then Sunday (my actual B-day), I ran the Susan G Koman 5K Race for the Cure with my girls.  Nice to do something good…

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Girl on a Budget

November 14, 2011

For a lot of people it’s easy to get caught up in the world of plastic.  Credit Cards that is.  Instant gratification, but you’ve got to pay for it later.  While I never live beyond my means and always pay by Credit Cards off (CC for short), some months I go beyond my set budget which means I put less…

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