Gorgeous Day & My 1st Food Truck!

November 19, 2011

I finally, finally ate at one of those “gourmet, trendy” food trucks!  I follow all of the local San Diego (and a few LA & NY) ones on Twitter. Theres even a dedicated twitter and facebook page that compiles all their locations daily – @SDFoodTrucks.  I check their locations to see which one is close by my work that I…

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Wednesday Night Supper Club #2

June 10, 2010

I have organized a Supper Club with a small group of friends.  With all of our busy lives these days with work, play, babies, dating, etc.,  we were not getting together as often as we used to.  I decided to institute a Supper Club.  It would accomplish two of my favorite things – fabulous food and good company.  It’s important…

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